Euroleader S.cons.r.l
Via Divisione Garibaldi, 6
33028 Tolmezzo UD
Synthetic description of the subproject
Local products - handcraft products and also foods - in many European Union Countries are special more point of view. It is characteristic only of production's place, unique, that is the reason why local products need special marketing and market strategy.
Not only different characteristic local products are produced in GRIP-IT regions, but, subsidies, producers, marketing, market acquisition and market regulating are different too.
The main aim of the project is establishment of local products network in GRIPIT-regions. The partners know each others' experiences in area of local products, they work out together production and selling system on the basis of common ideas, which can help them to appear on world wide web and other alternative selling places.
Partnership (see you Approfondimenti section for Contacts)
Pannon Handcraft Cluster
West-Pannon Region, Hungary (Lead partner)
LAG Euroleader s.cons.r. l.
Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy
MEDES -Observatory for economic problems associated with desertification in Mediterranean areas
Regione Basilicata, Italy
LAG Sdru¸ení SPLAV
Královéhradecky Kraj, Czech Republic
Our aims are finding of local products' producers, making them interested in international cooperation in favour of more profitable operating.
Our tools are common workshop, case studies, trainings, meetings, where we will work out the common plan of action, which can help achieving our aims.
In second period of the project we are going to work together, we are going to start showing, selling our products in web-stores and we are going to utilize the experience in practice with producers.
LoProDeN Activities
Component 1: Management and Coordination
Pannon Handcraft Cluster
Component 2: Local Product Development Network
Pannon Handcraft Cluster
Component 3: Result transfer and dissemination
LAG Euroleader
Integrated approach
The aims and activities of the LoProDeN project join highest possible with the main aims of GRIP-IT. It is going to be integrated as it contains activities which are based on each other: production of local products, its marketing and promotion, sales in the four GRIP IT regions, exchange these experiences in partnership in an international environment. With these knowledge it is appointed to develop the rural areas in the three countries: social employment, arouse youth people’s interest in their residence, on these bases to grow the opportunities of tourism.
Our project is integrated because:
Experience are going to be exchanged between international partners.
The partners know each others' countries and products. It helps the development of tourism too.
Young people and their organisations can participate in creation of sales and marketing stores – they can find the opportunities in their residence, and they will be interested in its developing.
Boom of tourism and local products and work of young people generate saving of customs and traditions.
Logistics Centre is going to be an Employment project too. (social employment).
Follow-up activities
The project will create the opportunity of a wide national, international – horizontal and vertical – partnership which can be useful in the next programming period of the EU.
The results will create the opportunity of the free flow of information and product. If the common marketing and sales actions can be effective, sustainable rural tourism will expand.
Integrated projects will be supported in the 2007-2013 programming period in the EU. If this project can operate well and partners can keep contact after that, they can have further projects to spread the philosophy of sustainable rural development in production and tourism around Europe.